In pursuit of the mechanics that shape cell surfaces
Nature Physics (2018); 14, 648–652
Diz-Muñoz A, Weiner DO, Fletcher DA
In pursuit of the mechanics that shape cell surfaces
Nature Physics (2018); 14, 648–652
Diz-Muñoz A, Weiner DO, Fletcher DA
Spectrin is a mechanoresponsive protein shaping fusogenic synapse architecture during myoblast fusion.
Nat Cell Biol. (2018) Jun; doi: 10.1038/s41556-018-0106-3.
Duan R, Kim JH, Shilagardi K, Schiffhauer ES, Lee DM, Son S, Li S, Thomas C, Luo T, Fletcher DA, Robinson DN, Chen EH.
Transient external force induces phenotypic reversion of malignant epithelial structures via nitric oxide signaling.
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Ricca BL, Venugopalan G, Furuta S, Tanner K, Orellana WA, Reber CD, Brownfield DG, Bissell MJ, Fletcher DA.
Force-induced transcellular tunnel formation in endothelial cells.
Mol Biol Cell. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E17-01-0080. [Epub ahead of print] (2017)
Ng WP, Webster KD, Stefani C, Schmid EM, Lemichez E, Bassereau, Fletcher DA
Organ sculpting by patterned extracellular matrix stiffness.
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Crest J, Diz- Muñoz A, Chen DY, Fletcher DA, Bilder D
Membrane Tension Acts Through PLD2 and mTORC2 to Limit Actin Network Assembly During Neutrophil Migration
PLoS Biol. 14(6), eCollection (2016)
Diz-Muñoz A, Thurley K, Chintamen S, Altschuler SJ, Wu LF, Fletcher DA, Weiner OD
Myosin light chain kinase regulates cell polarization independently of membrane tension or Rho kinase
J Cell Biol. 209(2), 275-88 (2015)
S.S. Lou, A. Diz-Muñoz, O.D. Weiner, D.A. Fletcher, J.A. Theriot
Mechanical tension drives cell membrane fusion
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J.H. Kim, Y. Ren, W.P. Ng, S. Li, S. Son, Y.S. Kee, S. Zhang, G. Zhang, D.A. Fletcher, D.N. Robinson, E.H. Chen
Multicellular architecture of malignant breast epithelia influences mechanics
PLoS ONE. 9, e101955 (2014)
G. Venugopalan, D.B. Camarillo, K.D. Webster, C.D. Reber, J.A. Sethian, V.M. Weaver, D.A. Fletcher, H. El-Samad, C.H. Rycroft
Tensional homeostasis in single fibroblasts
Biophys. J. 107, 146–155 (2014)
K.D. Webster, W.P. Ng, D.A. Fletcher
Dynamic mechanical responses of Arabidopsis thylakoid membranes during PSII-specific illumination
Biophys. J. 106, 1864–1870 (2014)
C.H. Clausen, M.D. Brooks, T.D. Li, P. Grob, G Kemalyan, E. Nogales, K.K. Niyogi, D.A. Fletcher
Placental syncytium forms a biophysical barrier against pathogen invasion
PLoS Pathog. 9, e1003821 (2013)
V.B. Zeldovich, C.H. Clausen, E. Bradford, D.A. Fletcher, E. Maltepe, J.R. Robbins, A.I. Bakardjiev
To pull or be pulled: parsing the multiple modes of mechanotransduction
Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 25, 558–564 (2013)
B.L. Ricca, G. Venugopalan, D.A. Fletcher
A multi-structural single cell model of force-induced interactions of cytoskeletal components
Biomaterials. 34, 6119–6126 (2013)
S. Barreto, C.H. Clausen, C.M. Perrault, D.A. Fletcher, D. Lacroix
Patterned Collagen Fibers Orient Branching Mammary Epithelium through Distinct Signaling Modules
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D.G. Brownfield, G. Venugopalan, A. Lo, H. Mori, K. Tanner, D.A. Fletcher, M.J. Bissell
Use the force: membrane tension as an organizer of cell shape and motility
Trends Cell Biol. 23, 47–53 (2013)
A. Diz-Muñoz, D.A. Fletcher, O.D. Weiner
Contractile equilibriation of single cells to step changes in extracellular stiffness
Biophys. J. 102, 443–451 (2012)
A. Crow, K.D. Webster, E. Hohlfeld, W.P. Ng, P. Geissler, D.A. Fletcher
In vitro modeling of the microvascular occlusion and thrombosis that occur in hematologic diseases using microfluidic technology
J. Clin. Invest. 122, 408–418 (2012)
M. Tsai, A. Kita, J. Leach, R. Rounsevell, J.N. Huang, J. Moake, R.E. Ware, D.A. Fletcher, W.A. Lam
Microenvironmental geometry guides platelet adhesion and spreading: A quantitative analysis at the single cell level
PLoS ONE. 6, e26437 (2011)
A. Kita, Y. Sakuri, D.R. Myers, R. Rounsevell, J.N. Huang, T.J. Seok, K. Yu, M.C. Wu, D.A. Fletcher, W.A. Lam
An AFM-based stiffness clamp for dynamic control of rigidity
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K. Webster, A. Crow, D.A. Fletcher
On force and function
Mol. Biol. Cell. 21, 3795–3796 (2010)
D.A. Fletcher
Large-scale simulations of fluctuating biological membranes
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A. Pasqua, L. Maibaum, G. Oster, D.A. Fletcher
Molecular Biomechanics: The Molecular Basis of How Forces Regulate Cellular Function
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G. Bao, R.D. Kamm, W. Thomas, W. Hwang, D.A. Fletcher, A.J. Grodzinsky, C. Zhu, M.R. Mofrad
Cell mechanics and the cytoskeleton
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D.A. Fletcher and R.D. Mullins
Active biological materials
Annu Rev Phys Chem. 60, 469–486 (2009)
D.A. Fletcher and P.L. Geissler
Combined atomic force microscopy and side-view optical imaging for mechanical studies of cells
Nat. Methods. 6, 383–387 (2009)
O. Chaudhuri, S.H. Parekh, W.A. Lam, D.A. Fletcher
Slow Stress Propagation in Adherent Cells
Biophys. J. 95, 6052–6059 (2008)
M.J. Rosenbluth, A. Crow, J.W. Shaevitz, D.A. Fletcher
DNA-coated AFM cantilevers for the investigation of cell adhesion and the patterning of live cells
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 47, 8473–8477 (2008)
S.C. Hsiao, A.K. Crow, W.A. Lam, C.R. Bertozzi, D.A. Fletcher, M.B. Francis
Analyzing cell mechanics in hematologic diseases with microfluidic biophysical flow cytometry
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M.J. Rosenbluth, W.A. Lam, D.A. Fletcher
Limits of filipodium stability
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S. Pronk, P.L. Geissler, D.A. Fletcher
Curvature and torsion in growing actin networks
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J.W. Shaevitz, D.A. Fletcher
Increased leukaemia cell stiffness is associated with symptoms of leucostasis in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Br. J. Haematol. 142, 497–501 (2008)
W.A. Lam, M.J. Rosenbluth, D.A. Fletcher
Tonic shock induces detachment of Giardia lamblia
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W.R. Hansen, D.A. Fletcher
Load fluctuations drive actin network growth
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J.W. Shaevitz, D.A. Fletcher
Emergence of large-scale cell morphology and movement from local actin filament growth dynamics
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C.I. Lacayo, Z. Pincus, M.M. van Duijn, C.A. Wilson, D.A. Fletcher, F.B. Gertler, A. Mogilner, J.A. Theriot
Chemotherapy exposure increases leukemia cell stiffness
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W.A. Lam, M.J. Rosenbluth, and D.A. Fletcher
Reversible stress softening of actin networks
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O.Chaudhuri, S.H. Parekh, and D.A. Fletcher
Tissue Geometry Determines Sites of Mammary Branching Morphogenesis in Organotypic Cultures
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C.M. Nelson, M.M. Van Duijn, J.L. Inman, D.A. Fletcher, and M.J. Bissell
Giardia lamblia Attachment Force is Insensitive to Surface Treatments
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W.R. Hansen, O Tulyathan, S.C. Dawson, W.Z. Cande, and D. A. Fletcher
Force microscopy of nonadherent cells: A comparison of leukemia cell deformability
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M.J. Rosenbluth, W.A. Lam, and D.A. Fletcher
Loading history determines velocity of actin network growth
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S.H. Parekh, O. Chaudhuri, J. Theriot, and D.A. Fletcher
Spiroplasma Swim by a Processive Change in Body Helicity
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J.W. Shaevitz, J.Y. Lee, D.A. Fletcher
An introduction to cell motility for the physical scientist
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D. A. Fletcher and J. A. Theriot
Differentiation and developmental pathways of uropathogenic E. coli in urinary tract pathogenesis
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101, 1333–1338 (2004)
S.S. Justice, C. Hung, J.A. Theriot, D.A. Fletcher, G.G. Anderson, M.J. Footer, and S.J. Hultgren
Compression forces generated by actin comet tails on lipid vesicles
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 6493–6498 (2003)
P.A. Giardini, D.A. Fletcher, J.A. Theriot
Mailing Address: 731 Stanley Hall, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA
Lab Location: 731 Stanley Hall (across the street from the Greek Theatre)
Professor Fletcher’s Office: 708A Stanley Hall Directions and maps